一杯のコーヒーからできることWhat can we do with a single cup of coffee?
SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals: 持続可能な開発目標)に賛同し、
ここ京都を中心に全国・世界へと活動を広げ、継続して取り組んでまいります。Here at Ogawa Coffee we recognize the importance of sustainability
and protecting the environment for the future of coffee.
In addition, we are actively supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
as part of our mission to "continue to provide delicious coffee to our customers."
We will continue to ask "What can we do with a single cup of coffee?”
国際フェアトレード認証コーヒーInternational Fairtrade
Certified Coffee
コーヒー生産地との「公平な貿易」Coffee Production and the Fairtrade System
Fairtrade Minimum Price
Fairtrade Premium
Long-term Trading
Democratic Self-Organization
The Workforce, Safeguards
for Worker Safety and Health
Prohibiting Discrimination
Based on Ethnic Origin
Prohibiting Child
Labor and Forced Labor
Restrictions on the use of
pesticides and chemicals
Soil and Water Preservation
Control of Waste
and Encourage of Recycling
Prohibiting the use of GMOs
コーヒーの生産国のほとんどは、いわゆる開発途上国といわれる国々です。 コーヒー豆の価格は、国際市場で決められます。遠く離れたマーケット動向を知ることが出来ず、業者との交渉の手だても持っていない立場の弱い生産者は、時として生産コストを下回る価格で売らざるを得ない状況に追い込まれてしまうことも。その結果、生産や生活に必要な利益を得られず、不安定な生活を余儀なくされている場合があります。
また、世界フェアトレード・デー(5月の第2土曜)にちなんで毎年5月をフェアトレード月間とし、小川珈琲直営店にて特別メニューの提供や国際フェアトレード認証コーヒーの販売も行っています。商品を購入することで産地の生産環境や生活環境の向上につながるフェアトレード。珈琲作りのパートナーたちの暮らしを守るために。「小川珈琲」はこれからもこの取り組みに、より一層励んでまいります。Most coffee grown today is produced in developing countries, with coffee prices being determined by international markets. For producers to succeed in this system the ability to access UpToDate market information is key and has tremendous socio-economic consequences. Producers who are unable to access this information lack the means to negotiate with traders, often resulting in producers being forced to sell their coffees at prices below the production cost. Preventing them from attaining the necessary profits they need to purchase the essentials.
The Fairtrade system was created to fix this economic imbalance. The system allows consumers to buy products at prices that equate to a living wage for the producers, rather than at market price. In 2003, Ogawa Coffee acquired the manufacturing license for Fairtrade International certified products and in 2004, Ogawa Coffee began the sale of Fairtrade International certified coffees.
As the World Fairtrade Day falls on the 2nd Saturday of May every year, Ogawa Coffee designates the entire month of May as “Fairtrade Month”. During this month, we create new and unique menu items for our cafés and promote awareness of Fairtrade certified products including coffees. By taking part in the Fairtrade system Ogawa Coffee actively protects the lives of our coffee-making partners, through the improvement of both production and living environment conditions. As such Ogawa will continue to support the Fairtrade programs efforts.
こちらをご覧ください。If you would like to know more about Fairtrade,
please visit:
フェアトレード・ラベル・ジャパン公式サイトFairtrade International Official Website
バードフレンドリー®認証コーヒーBird Friendly® Certified Coffee
渡り鳥が休息する森を守るプログラムProtecting the Natural Habitat of Migratory Birds
この活動に共感した「小川珈琲」は、2005年に日本で初めて「バードフレンドリー®認証コーヒー」の販売をスタート。森の中でゆっくりと育つコーヒー豆は品質も良く、防風や直射日光の緩和効果があるシェードグロウンによる持続可能な農園づくりにも役立っています。その味わいを通して自然環境の大切さをお客さまに伝えていきたいと考えています。In the late 1990s, experts confirmed that the number of migratory birds crossing between North and South America was steadily decreasing. To better understand the reason for this phenomenon, the Smithsonian Institution, the world's largest academic research institution, established the "Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center (SMBC)". Over the course of their research, the facility discovered that coffee plantations play a vital role in the migratory habits of migratory birds.
Coffee cultivation has traditionally been done in a manner that protects the canopy and biodiversity of the surrounding forests. The term “Shade grown” has been coined to describe coffee that is produced in this manner. Migrating birds use this intact canopy as a resting place and to feed on the insects that reside there. With advent of mechanical coffee harvesting, farms have found it necessary to clear the surrounding vegetation to make room for this more cost effective still of coffee growing. The resulting loss of habitat has directly impacted the number of migratory birds making the journey every year. To combat this loss of habitat, the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center, in 1999, created the BIRD FRIENDLY® certification. The Bird Friendly® certification program uses funds gained from the sale of coffee beans from certified farms at premium prices to fund and support activities that protects migratory birds through helping growers preserve the natural habitat.
Ogawa Coffee started selling "Bird Friendly® Certified Coffee" for the first time in Japan in 2005. We found that the coffee beans that are grown at "Bird Friendly® Certified farms are not only more sustainability produced, but also are of a higher quality. As coffees grown under the natural canopy of trees, protects the coffee form strong winds and direct sunlight, allowing the coffee cherries to mature slowly giving the coffee beans a sweeter flavor. One of the greatest realities of the coffee industry is that the protection of biodiversity in coffee producing countries is not only more environmentally sustainable and better for the earth but equates to better tasting coffees for consumers. Which is why, we here at Ogawa coffee will continue to purchase Bird Friendly® Certified Coffee.
こちらをご覧ください。If you would like to know more about BIRD FRIENDLY®,
please visit:
バードフレンドリー®コーヒー公式サイトBIRD FRIENDLY® Official Website
有機JAS認証コーヒーOrganic JAS Certified Coffee
環境にやさしい有機栽培の促進Promotion of Eco-friendly
Organic Agricultural Practices
有機コーヒーは、化学的に合成された農薬や肥料、遺伝子組換えなどにできるだけ頼らず、自然界の力を精一杯活かして育てられています。土壌など環境への負担が軽減させる、農園で働く生産者にもやさしい農業の方法です。ルールに基づいてきちんと生産されているかどうか、農園や製造工場などで登録認証機関による検査が毎年行われています。こうして厳しい基準をクリアした食品だけに「有機JASマーク」の表示が認められています。小川珈琲では2001年に京都工場で有機JAS認証を取得。美味しいコーヒーを皆様にお届けするために、有機コーヒーの販売を通して、持続可能なコーヒー栽培の環境づくりにも取り組んでいます。Organic coffee is cultivated harnessing the power of nature, without relying on chemically synthesized pesticides, fertilizers, or genetic recombination. Using organic growing practices reduces the toll on the environment and eliminates the negative health effects to the producers resulting from chemical use. Organic cultivation creates a healthy alternative for both consumers and producers alike.
Every year, organic certified farms and manufacturing plants are inspected by registered certification bodies to ensure that all facilities are up to code and properly producing according to the rules . Only food items that meet this strict criterion and are produced in certified facilities can be classified as Organic JAS and can display the "Organic JAS mark".
Ogawa Coffee acquired Organic JAS certification at our Kyoto Factory in 2001 and we have since added Organic JAS certified coffees to our product line. As part of our mission to continuously deliver delicious coffee to our customers, we will continue to support programs that promote sustainable coffee production.
こちらをご覧ください。If you would like to know more about Organic JAS Certification,
please visit:
農林水産省 有機食品の検査認証制度Organic JAS Official Website
「森の人」とヒトのコーヒーSaving the Orangutangs through Coffee
アジアで最大規模の低地熱帯雨林を有し、世界で最も生物多様性を持つ国といわれているインドネシア。しかし、森林火災や違法伐採などによって年々、熱帯雨林が減少。それに伴い熱帯雨林を住処とするスマトラオランウータン・タパヌリオランウータンの数も減少し、今や絶滅危惧種に指定されています。そんな危機的状況を救うべく、オランウータンの保全活動(S.O.C.P=Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme)を行っているのが、非営利団体「PanEco(パン エコ)」。熱帯雨林を必要とするオランウータンを守ることは、生物の多様性を守ることにもつながる。そんな考えのもと活動を続ける彼らに共感し、世界的に有名なロースター、バリスタ、カッパー、コーヒーマシンメーカーといったプロフェッショナルたちが賛同し、本プロジェクトはスタートしました。
小川珈琲では、2017年にアジアで初めてオランウータンコーヒーの発売をスタート。「インドネシア スマトラ オランウータンコーヒー」の名で、「一杯のコーヒーからできること」をかたちにすることにしました。オランウータン、コーヒー生産者、コーヒーを愛する人たち、そして何よりも地球のために。オランウータンコーヒーには、たくさんの人のそんな思いが詰まっています。Located in Southeast Asia, the country of Indonesia, is home to the one of the world’s largest lowland rainforests and richest biodiversity. Forest fires and illegal logging, however, continue to threaten the natural abundance of biodiversity that calls this rainforest home. Of the many unique species that reside in this lowland rainforest, none are quite as famous or at risk as the Sumatran and Tapanuli orangutans. The illigal logging and forest fires have decreased their natural habitat so much, that both species have been designated as endangered species.
Several non-profit organizations, including "Pan Eco", established a wide variety of conservation activities known as the SOCP (Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Program) to save the orangutans and bring them back from the edge of extinction. The protection of these majestic creatures that inhabit the rainforests, also leads to the preservation of the rich biodiversity in Indonesia. Such endeavor called the attention of coffee professionals from around the world to band together and create “The Orang Utan Coffee Project.”
The Orang Utan Coffee Project goal is to protect the natural environment in which the orangutans live and enrich the lives of local coffee growers through the production of high-quality coffee. Funds earned through the sale of green coffee is donated directly back into the to the conservation activities of SOPC.
Most of the coffee cultivated and sold as part of this program is sourced from the Gayo Highlands of the Aceh Province on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia This region is also well known for the production of coffees branded as Gayo Mountains and Mandheling.
The Orang Utan Coffee Project, as a part of its devotion to the cultivation of high-quality coffee, has additionally opened the “Orang Utan Coffee Lab”. This lab is equipped with the necessary extraction tools and equipment to verify the quality of the coffee being produced at every step of the way.
Ogawa Coffee started selling Orang Utan Coffee for the first time in Asia in 2017, under the name “Indonesian Sumatra Orangutan Coffee”. As part of our promotional campaign for this coffee, we asked ourselves “what can you do with a cup of coffee?” By extending this question to our customers, we hoped to raise awareness about the impact that single cup of coffee can have. One small cup of coffee can make a difference for the orangutans, coffee growers, coffee lovers, and above all, the planet. Programs such as the Orang Utan Coffee is only possible through the hard work of both the producers and the consumers, so we would like to thank everyone who helps to make this possible.
こちらをご覧ください。If you would like to know more about Orang Utan coffee,
please visit:
ORANG UTAN COFFEE公式サイトOrang Utan Coffee Official Website
One of Loveプロジェクト
「One of Loveプロジェクト」とは、音楽とバラで途上国の子供たちの教育環境や、その母親である働く女性たちの雇用整備の向上を目指す支援活動のこと。このプロジェクトは、パーカッショニストの斉藤ノヴさんと夏木マリさんが「途上国の子供たちに音楽を届ける」旅に出かけたことがきっかけで始まりました。
エチオピアやバングラデシュといった旅先で二人が出会ったのは、過酷な環境下で生活をしながらも笑顔を絶やすことなく懸命に生きる子供たち。彼らの健やかな成長のために、少しでも助けになりたい。そう考えた二人は、2009年に「One of Loveプロジェクト」を発足。毎年6月21日の「世界音楽の日」に合わせて開催するギグと、オリジナルローズ「マリルージュ」(毎月21日は「マリルージュの日」)の販売収益を途上国に寄付する活動を続けています。過去には、その支援金によってエチオピアのバラ農園にパソコン訓練プログラムを設置。支援金は学校の制服や教科書を購入・配布する費用としても使われてきました。
エチオピアといえば、コーヒー発祥の地。もちろん、現在も世界有数のコーヒーの産地として知られています。そんなエチオピアは、小川珈琲にとって遠いようで近い存在。「私たちにも何かできることはないか?」。そんな思いから小川珈琲は「One of Loveプロジェクト」を支援する活動を始めました。毎月21日の「マリルージュの日」には、数量限定コーヒーを頼まれたお客さまに真紅のバラ「マリルージュ」が描かれた京焼・清水焼のカップでコーヒーをご提供(小川珈琲本店、京都三条店、OGAWA COFFEE 京都店のみ)。先着10名のお客さまに「マリルージュ」の花をプレゼントしています。少しでも多くの人にプロジェクトを知ってもらうために。これからも私たちはコーヒーを通して、私たちにできることを考えていきたいと思います。The "One of Love Project" aims to improve the educational environment of children in developing countries through music and roses, while improving the employment situations of working mothers. The project began when percussionist Nobu Saito and Mari Natsuki set out on a journey to "deliver music to children in developing countries."
On their trip to Ethiopia and Bangladesh, Nobu Saito and Mari Natsuki met many impoverished children who did not cease to smile despite their situation. Inspired by these children, Nobu Saito and Mari Natsuki wanted to use their status in Japan to help these children grow to become healthy adults. They started the "One of Love Project" in 2009. Every year the organization donates proceeds from a charity concert held on June 21st (World Music Day) and the proceeds from the sale of the original rose “Mari Rouge” to aid developing countries. The funds raised through the “One of Love Project” set up a computer training program at a rose farm in Ethiopia and purchased and distributed school uniforms and textbooks to children.
Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee and is still recognized as one of the world's leading coffee producing regions. As such Ethiopia holds a very dear place in Ogawa Coffee’s heart, inspiring us to support the" One of Love Project" efforts in Ethiopia in our own way. At select Ogawa Coffee Cafes on "Mari Rouge Day", the 21st of every month, customers who order our limited-edition coffee, are served their coffee in a one-of-a-kind and hand painted cup known as “Kyo-ware (Kyoto made Ceramic)” adorned with a painting of a crimson "Mari Rouge" rose. In addition, the first ten customers who order this coffee are presented with a "Mari Rouge" flower to raise awareness of this project. Each cup of coffee we serve has the potential to change the industry and lives, and it is with this passion we strive to keep producing quality coffee.
One of Loveプロジェクトついて詳しく知りたい方は、
こちらをご覧ください。If you would like to know more about "One of Love Project",
please visit:
One of Loveプロジェクト公式サイトOne of Love Project official website
グラウンズ フォー ヘルス
活動団体への支援Promoting Women’s Health
in Coffee Producing Countries
そのひとつが、アメリカの非営利団体「Grounds for Health」(グラウンズ フォー ヘルス)への支援です。グラウンズ フォー ヘルスとは、主にエチオピアとケニアで、現地医療機関スタッフが中心となり、コーヒー生産国の女性の健康促進、特に子宮頸がんの早期発見・治療を目的とした活動を行っている団体です。具体的にはコーヒー生産国で子宮頸がん検診キャンペーンを実施しているほか、現地スタッフへの知識譲渡やトレーニングを通じて、現地の医療従事者が自ら活動を続けられるよう教育にも力を入れています。
そんな彼らの活動を支えているのが、北米のコーヒー関連業者を中心としたコーヒー業界。寄付金に加え、活動資金を集めるために年に一度コーヒーの生豆オークションを開催。その落札金額は、すべてグラウンズ フォー ヘルスの活動費として使われています。また、オークションに出品される生豆は、ブラジル、コロンビア、エチオピア、パナマなどの農園が寄付することで、生産国側もこの活動に貢献する仕組みとなっています。
小川珈琲では、2009年よりグラウンズ フォー ヘルスを支援するキャンペーンを実施。多くのお客さまにご協力いただきながら、その売り上げの一部を同団体に寄付する活動を続けてきました。私たちの願いは、この活動の支援を通じて、病気の早期発見を促し、ひとりでも多くの人の命を救うこと。これからも私たちは「一杯のコーヒーからできること」を大切に、生産者に寄り添う企業であり続けたいと思います。The production of the finest quality green coffee is not something that can be achieved without the hard work of the many coffee producers. Many coffee producers across the globe, however, face significant economic, environmental, and social challenges. Around the globe around 125 million people are involved in coffee production, 70% of whom are women. Thus Ogawa Coffee works hard to support activities that target women working in coffee production regions. One such organization is the US non-profit organization "Grounds for Health". The Grounds for Health organization’s activities are primarily based in Ethiopia and Kenya, where they work with local medical institution staff to promote women’s health, specifically early detection and treatment of cervical cancer. Additionally, Grounds for Health promotes the education and training of local medical staff, to promote self-sustaining women’s healthcare in these communities.
Most Grounds for Health activities are supported by North American coffee-related companies. In addition to accepting donations, Grounds for Health holds a green coffee auction, once a year. All the winning bids are used to fund Grounds for Health’s activities. The beans used in the auction are donated by farms in Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia and Panama, allowing for coffee producing countries to also contribute to this cause.
Ogawa Coffee has been running campaigns to support Grounds for Health since 2009. With the cooperation of many customers, we have been able to continuously donate a portion of our sales to the organization. Our wish is to further assist in the early detection of illnesses and save the lives of as many people as possible by supporting this organization. It is our hope to expand the boundaries of what can be accomplished with a single cup of coffee.
グラウンズ フォー ヘルスついて詳しく知りたい方は、
こちらをご覧ください。If you want to know more about Grounds for Health,
please visit:
Grounds for Health公式サイトGrounds for Health Official Website
すべての女性の明るい未来への支援Supporting a Bright Future for All Women
乳がんとは早期発見・早期治療によって治る確率が非常に高い病気。米国では75%以上の女性がマンモグラフィを受診しているのに対し、残念ながら、日本ではその数字が45%以内に留まっており京都においても受診率が低いのが実情です。「ピンクリボン京都」では、こうした現状を改善すべく、各種セミナー・パネルディスカッションや乳がん検診を始めとする、様々なキャンペーンや啓発活動を実施。小川珈琲はこうした活動への協力ほか、「京都スタンプラリー&ウォーク」への協賛などを通して、「ピンクリボン京都」の支援を継続的に進めています。The Pink Ribbon” is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. Started in 2005, by the family of an American breast cancer victim , the Pink Ribbon was born from this family’s desire to prevent other families from suffering the same loss, and it is currently expanding throughout the world. The "Pink Ribbon Kyoto" chapter was launched through a collaboration of local companies students in Kyoto, and government agencies such as Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City.
Breast cancer is a disease that has a high probability of cure through early detection and treatment. In the United States, more than 75% of women undergo mammography exams. In Japan, however, the figure continues to be less than 45%. At Pink Ribbon Kyoto, to improve this situation, various campaigns and awareness activities, including seminars, panel discussions and breast cancer screenings are carried out throughout the year. Ogawa Coffee continues to support Pink Ribbon Kyoto by cooperating with various activities including the “Kyoto Stamp Rally and Walk”.
こちらをご覧ください。If you would like to know more about Pink Ribbon Kyoto,
please visit:
ピンクリボン京都公式サイトPink Ribbon Kyoto Official Website
誰一人取り残さない-No one will be left behind-を基本理念として、国際社会が2030年までにあらゆる貧困を撲滅し、持続可能な開発目標として設定されたものがSDGs(Sustainable Development Goals: 持続可能な開発目標)です。SDGsは、17のゴール、169のターゲットで構成されています。In September of 2015 the UN, based out of their headquarters in New York, held the Sustainable Development Summit. At this summit the 193 Member States of the United Nations officially adopted a new agenda, entitled “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” This agenda included 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 Targets, all created with the guiding philosophy of “No one will be left behind”.