珈琲を嗜好品でなく、日常にとってかけがえのないものにすること。私たちの珈琲づくりの基盤である地球環境や生産者の暮らしを守っていくこと。“京都の珈琲職人”としての情熱を忘れることなく、一粒一粒の豆を大切に「本物」としての価値を求め続けること。その一杯がきっと明日の希望になると信じて。これからも「小川珈琲」は、一人でも多くの人たちの心と暮らしに寄り添う存在でありたいと願います。As an ancestral city for the people of Japan, Kyoto, with its 1200-year history, has forever been a city of innovation, history and culture. Each one layered upon the other, realizing a world class culture, where tradition and entrepreneurial spirit breathe. It was here that Ogawa Coffee first began to make coffee in 1952 (26th year of the Showa Era). Since then, we have honed our craft according to the aesthetic sense and the artistic sensibilities of Kyoto, and it is with the pride of being “Coffee Artisans of Kyoto,” that we constantly pursue a quality of flavor that will be known throughout the world.
We believe that coffee has always had the universal power to heal people's hearts and enrich the world. That is why we want to not only improve the taste of Ogawa Coffee, but also further broaden its purpose for the future of society.
We want coffee to be an irreplaceable part of everyday life. A task only achievable through protecting the global environment and protecting the lives of the producers, the foundation of our coffee making. Without forgetting our passion as "Coffee Artisans of Kyoto", we will continue to find the value in each and every coffee. For we believe that a cup will surely be tomorrow's hope. It is our wish that we, Ogawa Coffee, can continue to be a part of the hearts and lives of as many people as possible.
いつどんなときも、美味しい珈琲を提供すること。先人が培った珈琲文化を未来へつなぐために、私たちがすべきことはとてもシンプルです。それは、コーヒー豆の栽培から抽出された珈琲がカップに注がれるその瞬間まで、すべてのプロセスに“京都の珈琲職人”としての情熱とプライドをかけて手を尽くすこと。世界は今、気候変動がもたらす環境問題や国家間の経済格差など、さまざまな難しい問題を抱えています。その年々の品質の良い生豆を買い集めるだけでは、一時的に美味しいコーヒーをつくれたとしてもその先の未来はありません。だから、「小川珈琲」は会いにいきます。生産者と膝を突き合わせながら、その国の幸せや地球環境について、心に灯火をともす珈琲についてとことん語り合います。そして、豊作のときも不作のときも生産者が丁寧に育てた生豆を預かり、一緒に乗り越える覚悟を持って珈琲づくりを続けています。彼らの熱を冷ますことなく、その思いも大切にお客様に伝えていきたい。私たちは珈琲という絆で世界とつながっています。No matter the time or place we will serve delicious coffee. In order to protect the coffee culture established by our predecessors for future generations, there is one very simple thing that we must do. In every step of the production process, from the moment the beans are picked to when the coffee is brewed, we must uphold the standards that come with being “Coffee Artisans of Kyoto.” Currently, the world is facing a wide variety of difficult issues as a result of climate change and widening economic disparities between countries. Even if you can temporarily make delicious coffee by only purchasing good quality green beans each year, there are no guarantees for the future. Thus, "Ogawa Coffee" will visit. We will kneel together with coffee producers from around the world. We will discuss each country's happiness and environment, and talk at length about how to make coffee that illuminates the hearts of all. Therefore, no matter what may befall coffee producers, we will always work with them, to overcome any obstacles and continue to cultivate quality coffee. Without dampening their enthusiasm, we would like to convey their precious thoughts and feelings to our customers. We are connected to the world through the bond of coffee.
「深いけど、マイルドな味」、「クセになる」。私たちのコーヒーを召し上がったお客様から、そう仰っていただけることに「小川珈琲」は誇りを感じます。そんな私たちの珈琲づくりの土台となっているのが、採算よりも品質を重視した原料豆の選定です。品質が伴わない生豆は焙煎してもコーヒー本来の酸味や甘味が出ず、苦みが際立つだけ。なので、まず最終的に目指す味わいから逆算し、“焼き負け”しない生豆を生産地とコミュニケーションを取りながら安定的に確保。その上で、舌だけでなく、五感に訴えかける奥行きある味わいを目指して、焙煎とブレンド技術を約70年の歳月をかけて少しずつ磨き上げてきました。しかし、どんなに優れた原料と技術をもってしても、それだけで美味しい珈琲がつくれるわけではありません。いつの時代もコーヒーの味を決めるのは、私たち人間の仕事です。一粒一粒のコーヒー豆と真剣に向き合ってきた情熱の歴史を忘れずに。作り手の熱い感性と厚い技術が創造を生む。「小川珈琲」は、いつもそう信じています。"Full-bodied but a mild taste," "Drinking has become a habit." Hearing such words from our customers who have had our coffees make us proud as Ogawa Coffee. The founding principle of our coffee making is the selection of beans that emphasize quality rather than profitability. Green coffee beans that are not of the highest quality do not produce the acidity and sweetness inherent in coffee even when roasted, and only the bitterness comes through. The first thing we do is calculate backwards from the imagined final taste, and secure quality beans through stable channels by communicating with the production region. In addition, we have gradually refined our roasting and blending skills over the course of about 70 years, aiming to create complex flavors that appeal not only to the tongue, but also to the five senses. However, skills and high-quality raw materials alone are not enough to make a good cup of coffee. Regardless of the era, what decides the flavor of the coffee is the people. With every bean of coffee, we remember the history of our passion and the challenges that have been overcome. The creator's passion and skills give birth to creativity. This is what we always believe at Ogawa Coffee.
どんなに品質の良い生豆でも、その扱い方でコーヒーの味わいと風味はガラリと変わってしまいます。世界中の産地から届く生豆は、当然のことながらサイズも品質もバラバラです。「小川珈琲」の仕事は、それぞれの生豆の個性と持ち味を見極めながら、美味しいと感じる最適なローストとブレンドを考え、その魅力を最大限に引き出すこと。しかし、私たちは珈琲の味だけを追い求めてきたわけではありません。いにしえの時代から、コーヒーは人の心に安らぎと潤いを与えてきただけでなく、人と人の絆をつくり、コミュニケーションを育む媒介としての役割も果たしてきました。その歴史に習い、私たちは珈琲を通して日常の幸せを引き出したいと願っています。例えば、生産者から消費者までを一本の透明な糸でつなぐトレーサビリティは、安心・安全を提供するだけでなく持続可能な社会の貢献にもつながります。多様性を尊重し、わかちあい、響きあう世界のために。今日も明日もぶれることなく「小川珈琲」は珈琲をつくり続けます。Even with the highest quality of green coffee beans, the manner in which the beans are handled can dramatically change the taste of the coffee. As coffee is an agricultural product, the beans that arrive from production regions around the world vary in size and quality. The job of Ogawa Coffee is to maximize the appeal of each roasted bean by considering the inherent individuality and characteristics of each green bean through optimal roasting and blending. We, however, have not just pursued the flavor of coffee. Since ancient times, coffee has not only comforted and enriched people's hearts, but also played a role as a medium for fostering human ties and communication. Learning from that history, we wish to bring out the daily happiness through coffee. A facet of this would be traceability, connecting producers to consumers with a single transparent thread, not only providing safety and security, but also contributing to a sustainable society. For the sake of creating a world where diversity is respected and shared, Ogawa Coffee will continue to make coffee today and tomorrow without wavering.
「社員全員が珈琲職人であれ」。これは創業以来、「小川珈琲」の変わらないスローガンです。そして、嬉しいことに「誰に聞いても『小川珈琲』の社員は珈琲のことをよく知っているね」とよくお客様に仰っていただきます。バリスタはもちろん、営業職や事務職であってもハンドドリップで美味しい珈琲を淹れられるのは、弊社では当たり前。その背景には京都の伝統と美意識が培ってきた“おもてなし”の心があります。いつどんなときも一期一会の精神を大切に、心尽くしの“おもてなし”を実践するためには、日々の研鑽が欠かせません。社内にあるドリップステーションやトレーニングルームで社員はその腕を磨き、表面的な知識だけでなく、実感から生まれた言葉とともに珈琲の魅力を伝えられるよう努力を重ねています。珈琲をつくるのは自然ですが、感動は人間が生み出すもの。次世代のコーヒー文化を創造していくために、「小川珈琲」は届けることにも徹底してこだわり抜きます。"All employees should be coffee artisans." This has been the unchanging slogan of Ogawa Coffee since its establishment. We are happy that our customers often say that "No matter whom you ask among the Ogawa Coffee employees, everyone is knowledgeable about coffee.". It is not only our baristas that can brew a delicious pour over coffee, but our sales staff and clerical staff are equally as skilled. Here at Ogawa Coffee, preparing delicious coffee is second nature to all of us. Finding inspiration in every bean we roast and every cup we brew is the spirit of hospitality cultivated and honed by the tradition and aesthetics of Kyoto. Daily practice is essential to be able to extend a heartfelt hospitality, or "omotenashi," and always cherish the spirit of "ichigo ichie," the once-in-a-lifetime experience. At our in-house drip station and training room, the Ogawa Coffee staff endeavor to improve their skills and understanding to not only be able to communicate the basic knowledge of coffee, but also be able to convey the charm of coffee through words born from experience and feeling. While nature makes coffee, it is people who move hearts. In order to create the next generation of coffee culture, Ogawa Coffee is also thoroughly committed to the delivery.